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Evernote - The friend I never had...

It's like the friend I never had... Evernote is not just a tool, it is a way of life! As an anthropologist you are always on the move, going from seminar to seminar, site to site, in and out of the library. This means that you can be bit everywhere, and we are hardly known for our organisation! Ever not is here to RESCUE you with dignity and a cute logo! Like I said in my title, Evernote is the friend that always has your back, need to upload a word document? Upload it. Need to upload a PDF? no problem! Need to upload a voice recording! EASY. Any task you require from Evernote it is there, and it is very simple to use, one you get the hang of it that is. Evernote is a space that you can access as a mess, and it will organise everything for you. Do not be shy about what you upload, if you have 100 documents, upload them, your Evernote friend has a search function that will help you find them all. My only two recommendations of the site are big ones! Upgrade to a prem

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